
GNFAC Avalanche Advisory for Mon Feb 2, 2015

Snowpack and Avalanche Discussion

Bridger Range   Madison Range   Gallatin Range  

Lionhead area near West Yellowstone  Cooke City

Winter is doing its best to make a return. After weeks of above average temperatures and below average precipitation, this latest round of snow is a welcomed sight. While 4-6 inches will improve overall riding conditions, it will also increase the avalanche danger.

The Yellowstone Club Ski Patrol observed tons of surface hoar crystals on Jan 29. Some were nearly 1 cm in size. These can become a future weak layer once a slab of snow forms on top of them. Think of a stack of bricks (slab) resting on potato chips (surface hoar). Hopefully strong winds will return knock down these crystals before snow falls. Photo: YCSP

Northern Madison, 2015-01-30