
GNFAC Avalanche Advisory for Thu Feb 5, 2015

Snowpack and Avalanche Discussion

Bridger Range

The main avalanche problem today will be fresh wind slabs formed by strong southerly winds. This is the only avalanche problem in the Bridger Range and a simple one to avoid. While surface hoar was observed in many other areas, this layer does not exist in the Bridger Range. For today with strong winds and new snow available for transport, the danger is rated CONSIDERABLE on wind loaded slopes and MODERATE on all others.

The upper layer will be our most significant concern as it gets buried deeper.  This surface hoar layer in Lionhead was small and unimpressive, but in other areas it's bigger and will be a problem. The lowest layer is also still a player on a few slopes (ECTP17). Photo: GNFAC

Lionhead Range, 2015-02-03