Avalanche Incidents

Out of Advisory Area
Beartooth Pass
Large skier triggered avalanche on Gardner headwall
Incident details include images
Beartooth Pass
Elevation: 10,800
Aspect: NE
Coordinates: 44.9701, -109.4620
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

From IG messages on June 1 2024: "there were two riders and a dog on the slope. One rider was partially caught and rode out when everything stopped moving. The dog was very afraid and got stuck at the crown and rocks on the lookers left. Happened about 3pm today within the first 20 riders. Started with a small slide and propagated much larger when it got closer to the rocks."

From antoher ob. "At approximately 15:40 a D3 avalanche on the Gardiner headwall broke.  It was triggered by a snowboarder and his dog.  The run had already been tracked by skis and snow machines but the trigger point was slightly farther skier right and appeared to trigger a convex wind slab. Several skiers, boarders, and riders were in the area but there were no burials or injuries"

More Avalanche Details
Cooke City
Fisher Mtn.
Rider triggered avalanche on Fisher mtn
Incident details include images
Fisher Mtn.
Elevation: 10,000
Aspect: E
Coordinates: 45.0661, -109.9590
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

From email 5/11/24: “Hey Guys, here are a few photos from the weekend.... the fisher peak avalanche happened today. Maybe cornice drop?”

From email 5/16/24: "I saw the photo of the fisher peak avalanche on the website. Figured I could fill in the blanks. Not a natural slide, snowmobile triggered.

At approximately 12:15pm last Saturday I was climbing above fisher bench and unintentionally set off a slab avalanche on fisher peak. I was jumping the cornice at the ridge and had a massive slope collapse, followed by shooting cracks and propagation downslope. I was able to wheelie through the crown and sidehill above the slide away from the debris area.

5 minutes before my climb, another snowmobiler put a high mark 60 ft away from where I climbed with no results. There were numerous tracks on the slope prior to this avalanche, I found the weak spot. My riding partner was watching me from a safe zone further south, as we knew there was new snow instabilities to watch out for, at a minimum.

We rode all day Friday without any obvious instabilities on similar slopes. We didn’t see the sheep mountain slide Friday morning. I took some pictures of the slide right after it happened. See attached…"

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Cooke City
Sheep Mountain
Snowmobile triggered slide on Sheep
Incident details include images
Sheep Mountain
Elevation: 9,500
Aspect: NE
Coordinates: 45.0722, -109.9280
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

From email 5/11/24: “Hey Guys, here are a few photos from the weekend. The sheep Mountain Avalanche was Snowmobile triggered on Friday and the fisher peak avalanche happened today. Maybe cornice drop?”

More Avalanche Details
Cooke City
Republic Mountain
Skier triggered large Wet loose on the fin
Incident details include images
Republic Mountain
Elevation: 10,000
Aspect: E
Coordinates: 45.0003, -109.9540
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

From obs.: “Our party (3) triggered a significant wet loose slide on the fin today. I, the first skier dropped in next to existing tracks from earlier in the morning. I made a couple of small turns in unskied snow to test it and decided that not much was moving. As I continued down the wet surface snow started to slide and accumulate. My partner called me on the radio to tell me a lot of snow was moving behind me and I cut left. I traversed hard to lower angle terrain until I felt I could safely descend the rest of the slope.  My partners descended the bed surface until they could traverse out. 

We made several key mistakes today.  We knew it would be warm and that we should be up and down early.  We left later than planned, moved slower than expected and failed to adjust our plan.  We mistook lack of wet loose activity on similar aspects and elevations on features we could see as sign of stability.  We failed to make a plan B or establish a turnaround time.  We interpreted a party ahead of us that skied the slope as a go ahead.  Another party approaching behind us added pressure to go. They also skied the slope after us in similar style to my partners.

In our favor, we communicated well, radios were key, stayed calm and we managed ourselves through the situation. I feel humbled and lucky to have gotten away with a free lesson.  One that I didn't think I should have needed.”

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Northern Gallatin
Remote trigger in little bear
Incident details include images
Elevation: 8,100
Aspect: NE
Coordinates: 45.4802, -111.1320
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

From IG message 4/17/24: "Remote trigger up little bear today. Went to the groundish."... "It was definitely wet below the new snow. It was north east facing at 8100 ft"

More Avalanche Details
Bridger Range
Flathead Pass
Skier Triggered Storm Snow Avalanche, N. Bridgers
Incident details include images
Flathead Pass
Elevation: 8,200
Aspect: N
Coordinates: 45.9483, -110.9900
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

From obs : "After skiing two laps on East facing terrain two basins north of Anger Lake basin and seeing no significant signs of instability, we descended into a north facing gully around 8,200ft and triggered an avalanche on the new snow/old crust interface. The crown was 4-18 inches deep and propagated the entire width of the gully ~40 feet and ran the entire length of the gully ~500 vertical feet. I was able to ski out of the avalanche right as it broke and was not carried. "

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Bridger Range
Fairy Lake
Rider Triggered Avalanche Hollywood Shoulder
Incident details include images
Fairy Lake
Coordinates: 45.9043, -110.9580
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

Riders on 04/07/2024 saw a human-triggered avalanche on the shoulder of Hollywood Bowl that was triggered by another party. 

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Bridger Range
Frazier Basin
Skier triggered avalanche Frazier Basin
Incident details include images
Frazier Basin
Coordinates: 45.9233, -110.9800
Caught: 1 ; Buried: 0

From obs: "Skier triggered slide in one of the Love chutes dropping into Frazier basin. Skier attempted to ski cut the top of the chute, snow was not reactive. He began to ski the chute and triggered a wind slab about 18” deep which failed the crust from the recent warm stretch. Was carried about 200 feet and managed to self arrest on the side of the chute while the slide continued to the bottom. No serious injuries. "

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Lionhead Range
Lionhead Ridge
Snowmo triggered small slide at Lionhead
Incident details include images
Incident details contain video
Lionhead Ridge
Aspect: E
Coordinates: 44.7145, -111.3180
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

On 4/2/24 we saw a small slab avalanche that occurred since this weekend's snow. It appears to have been triggered by a snowmobile yesterday (4/1/24). It broke 10" to 2 ft deep, 50 ft wide, and ran ~50 vertical feet. It broke on a thin layer of facets beneath the new snow. 


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Lionhead Range
Partial Burial at Lionhead
Incident details include images
Coordinates: 44.7292, -111.3230
Caught: 1 ; Buried: 0; Killed: 0

A group of snowmobilers watched a pow surfer trigger an avalanche. The individual was buried to his chest and thankfully uninjured. 

More Avalanche Details
Northern Gallatin
Mt Blackmore
Skier triggered, caught and injured near Mt Blackmore
Incident details include images
Mt Blackmore
Elevation: 9,000
Aspect: NE
Coordinates: 45.4444, -111.0040
Caught: 1 ; Buried: 0; Killed: 0

Two skiers were ascending a northeast-facing avalanche path on the northernmost ridgeline of Mount Blackmore around 1 PM when they triggered a large, dry slab avalanche that failed 3 feet deep, 150 feet wide, and ran 500 feet vertical. Debris piled up 4-8 feet deep. The avalanche failed on weak, faceted snow near the base of the snowpack. 

As the group was about halfway up the avalanche path, they saw a small slide initiate to their right and then they heard a loud boom as the rest of the slope collapsed 250 feet above them. The skier lower on the path sprinted to the left into the trees to avoid getting caught. The second skier was 30 higher on the slope. He attempted to run off the slope but was unable to avoid getting captured. He was carried to the bottom of the avalanche path, got submerged in the snow, but thankfully came to rest on the surface. His partner initiated a beacon search and called his name, quickly finding him on top of the avalanche debris. The skier sustained significant injuries. They called 911 and Gallatin Country Sheriff Search and Rescue initiated a response with the Helicopter team. The two skiers worked to address injuries while awaiting rescue. GCSAR inserted a team with a helicopter that provided medical treatment and both the injured and uninjured skiers. The GNFAC was on scene to evaluate the scene for hazards to the rescue team. 

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Northern Madison
Taylor Fork
Rider triggered Avalanche in Taylor Fork
Incident details include images
Taylor Fork
Coordinates: 45.0607, -111.2720
Caught: 1 ; Buried: 0

From obs 3/16/24: "Avalanche broke about 400ft wide and slid for 250 ft. 4-2ft deep at the crown. Photo shows How my sled ended up after being dragged 200ft. I was able jump off and grab a tree."

More Avalanche Details
Cooke City
Sheep Mountain
Big avalanche on Sheep Mtn., Cooke
Incident details include images
Sheep Mountain
Elevation: 10,000
Aspect: NE
Coordinates: 45.0722, -109.9280
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 1

On 3/9/24 there was a big avalanche on the northeast side of Sheep that was previously not reported. It was there this morning so maybe happened yesterday. 6-8'+ deep, 500' wide R4-D3-O. Maybe/probably rider triggered from below.

Snowmobilers reported witnessing another rider trigger this avalanche and get partially buried.

More Avalanche Details
Northern Madison
Beehive Basin
Skier Triggered Avalanche Beehive Basin
Incident details include images
Incident details contain video
Beehive Basin
Elevation: 9,500
Aspect: E
Coordinates: 45.3426, -111.4040
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

Skiers triggered this avalanche in Beehive Basin after dropping a section of cornice onto the slope. This avalanche broke 500' wide and ranged in depth from 18 inches to 6 feet. The cornice was dropped on the shallowest portion of the crown, 18". 



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Bridger Range
Saddle Peak
Skier Triggered Avalanche Saddle Peak
Incident details include images
Saddle Peak
Elevation: 8,100
Aspect: E
Coordinates: 45.7943, -110.9360
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

There were two skier-triggered avalanches on Saddle Peak today. The first was relatively small, estimated depth of less than a foot. The second occurred later in the day and was much more significant. 

Downhill winds transported snow all day, loading wind-drifted snow onto slopes at upper and mid-elevations. At 1 PM, a solo skier descended Quarter Saddle toward Spencer's and Going Home Chute. The skier released a wind-slab avalanche that broke about a foot deep approximately 300 feet above the large cliff band on Saddle. The first release triggered a secondary slab that broke more widely (estimated 200' wide) and deeper (1-3 feet deep). The avalanche ran over the large cliffs into Going Home Chute. Bridger Bowl Ski Patrol interviewed the skier who triggered the avalanche along with a representative from GCSAR and the GNFAC. Based on the interview, the group believed it was unlikely that additional skiers were involved. Because of the interview, concerns about scene safety, and the timing of the avalanche, no search was performed on the ground. The team used binoculars from within the boundary of the ski area to look for obvious indications of a burial.

More Avalanche Details
Northern Madison
Buck Ridge
Remotely Triggered Avalanche on Buck Ridge
Incident details include images
Buck Ridge
Coordinates: 45.1719, -111.3800
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

From IG on 3/7/24: "Buck ridge south of slatts hill, remote trigger by a snowmobile today"

More Avalanche Details
Cooke City
Henderson Mountain
Rider Triggered Avalanche Henderson Mountain
Incident details include images
Incident details contain video
Henderson Mountain
Elevation: 9,900
Aspect: E
Coordinates: 45.0524, -109.9450
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

From email: "This avalanche was triggered by a rider in our group on the 7th. The rider was midway up the slope, it broke above him right under the cornice and he successfully outrun the avy to the bottom. Right above the trail it looked the deepest at 10' to 12' deep at the peak and 6' plus further to the north."


From obs on 03/08/2024: "We rode out to the avalanche that was triggered yesterday on Henderson Mtn. It broke over 2000' wide (measured on GPS) and all the way up to the ridgeline, 6-10' deep and maybe 12-15' deep at the deepest section. There were a couple hundred feet of slope that had not slide between this one and the similarly large slide to the north last weekend. The deepest debris was probably 15-20"

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Butte Area
Flint Creek Range
Snowmobile Triggered Avalanche Twin Peaks
Incident details include images
Flint Creek Range
Aspect: NW
Coordinates: 46.2902, -113.1330
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

From obs: "Secondhand photo and story regarding two snowmobilers sidehilling the northwest aspect of Twin Peaks and triggering the slide in the photos.  They were both able to ride out of it.  This avalanche is located about 150 yards north of the Twin Peaks avalanche accident site from January 2024."

More Avalanche Details
Cooke City
Henderson Mountain
Rider Triggered Avalanche on Henderson Mountain
Incident details include images
Henderson Mountain
Aspect: E
Coordinates: 45.0524, -109.9450
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

Riders triggered a very large avalanche on the east side of Henderson Mountain while riding across a slope below. No one was caught in the avalanche and the debris pile was estimated 20' deep in spots. 

From another obs. "Watched a large avalanche come down the big Avi path on the east side of Henderson.  The avalanche covered many snowmobile tracks from that afternoon.  The crown varied and extended for 1,000 feet below the summit ridge. It was a huge volume of snow that reached Fisher Creek. The snowmobilers were lucky, as it was large enough to be buried deep."

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Cooke City
Lulu Pass
Rider Triggered Avalanches in Cooke City
Lulu Pass
Coordinates: 45.0709, -109.9580
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

From obs: "Two remote triggers from about 250ft away on a slope up lulu pass. A lot new snow and everything was sliding above 30 degrees." 

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Lionhead Range
Lionhead Ridge
Large avalanche in Lionhead_likely burial/caught
Incident details include images
Lionhead Ridge
Aspect: E
Coordinates: 44.7145, -111.3180
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

From a phone call:

A rider saw a large avalanche in one of the bowls around the corner of Lionhead avalanched. It likely occurred on Friday, March 1. There were holes dug in the snow indicating a buried person or sled. This is the same slope that killed a 19 year old from MN on December 28, 2006. They conducted a beacon search on the debris to make sure no one was buried.

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Lionhead Range
Watkins Creek
Snowmobiler partially buried at Lionhead
Watkins Creek
Coordinates: 44.7536, -111.3300
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

From a phone call:

A rider was traversing a slope when he triggered and was caught in a slide. He was partially buried under his sled and was uninjured. He estimated the slide to be 150 yards wide and a few feet deep and breaking to the ground.

More Avalanche Details
Cooke City
Lulu Pass
Snowmobiler triggered Avalanches (2) near Lulu Pass, Cooke City
Incident details include images
Lulu Pass
Elevation: 10,200
Coordinates: 45.0709, -109.9580
Caught: 1 ; Buried: 0

A rider on 02/23/2024 triggered a large avalanche on the north side of Fisher Mountain near Lulu Pass. He was caught and carried downhill but luckily was not buried or injured. On the east side of the mountain, another avalanche was observed by the party and likely happened at the same time. This avalanche either happened sympathetically from the large slide or was remotely triggered by the rider. 

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Northern Madison
Lone Lake Cirque
Skier triggered avalanche in Mullet near Big Sky
Incident details include images
Lone Lake Cirque
Elevation: 10,200
Aspect: NW
Coordinates: 45.2771, -111.4640
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

From BSSP on 2/17/24: "Midafternoon we received another report of a skier triggered avalanche in the Lone Lake Circe, specifically The Mullet. The reporting party contacted several ski patrollers via cell phone and confirmed that nobody was injured or had taken the full ride. This avalanche failed near the ground on a high elevation NW facing slope with the weight of a single skier with an estimated size of HS-ASu-R3-D2.5-O."

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Southern Madison
Taylor Fork
Rider Partially buried, Sunlight Basin, Taylor Fork
Taylor Fork
Elevation: 9,000
Aspect: N
Coordinates: 44.9680, -111.2870
Caught: 1 ; Buried: 1

From obs 2/17/24: "North facing slope partially treelined, not heavily windloaded. Rider triggered, Ran 100yards downhill with large debris through trees, broke 2-3' deep at the crown sliding on near earth facets. 1 rider partially caught, airbag deployed, self-extracted with no injuries."

More Avalanche Details
Cooke City
Sheep Mountain
Avalanche Sheep Mountain
Sheep Mountain
Coordinates: 45.0722, -109.9280
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

From email: "Was in round lake was visiting with a guy in the warm up shack.  He said he caused a decent size avalanche on the sheep mountain side. 

It was roughly 100 feet wide, he was hit by the avalanche but didn’t get buried."

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Northern Gallatin
Portal Creek
4 remote triggered avalanches in Portal Creek
Incident details include images
Portal Creek
Coordinates: 45.2890, -111.1410
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

From facebook on 2/16/24: "Rode up Portal creek today ... We triggered 4 avalanches with the farthest one being 300 yards away. The one in the photo was the scariest one. We were playing below the windy pass hillclimb and the chute next to it let go. We had a sledder almost get caught in it, but thankfully everyone was ok. It's scary out there!"

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Cooke City
Scotch Bonnet
Large Snowmobiler Triggered Avalanche, Cooke City
Incident details include images
Incident details contain video
Scotch Bonnet
Elevation: 10,200
Aspect: N
Coordinates: 45.0735, -109.9450
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

A rider on 02/16/2024 triggered a large avalanche on the north side of Scotch Bonnet. Skiers nearby noted that they saw riders on and below the slope but did not see that avalanche happen. 

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Northern Madison
Buck Ridge
Remotely triggered avalanche on Buck Ridge
Incident details include images
Buck Ridge
Coordinates: 45.1857, -111.4250
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

From obs: "Towards the end of the day one of our riders remote triggered a massive avalanche on the North facing slope to the North of Yellow Mule cabin. The 3-4 ft crown propagated around 600 yards wide and slid on near ground facets to the bottom of the slope below depositing a very large debris pile well into the trees."

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Cooke City
Crown Butte
Rider triggered Avalanche Crown Butte
Incident details include images
Crown Butte
Elevation: 9,700
Aspect: N
Coordinates: 45.0525, -109.9620
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

A snowmobiler triggered an avalanche as she climbed up the backside of Crown Butte. As she descended the slope the avalanche broke and ran down the slope behind her. Thankfully, no one was caught or injured.

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Island Park
Hellroaring Creek
Snowmobiler Triggered Avalanche Centennial Mountains
Incident details contain video
Hellroaring Creek
Elevation: 8,200
Coordinates: 44.5490, -111.4750
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

A group of snowmobilers triggered an avalanche on a low-elevation slope in the Centennial Mountains as they rode near the bottom of a steep slope. No one was caught. 

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Island Park
Sawtelle Peak
Partial burial in Island Park
Sawtelle Peak
Coordinates: 44.5611, -111.4430
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

From email on 2/2/24:  "We received a call of a missing snowmobile in the Keg Springs area of Island Park at 1642.  The missing snowmobiler arrived at 1800 hours at the rental property his party is staying at and said he had self-extricated from an avalanche."


More Avalanche Details
Cooke City
Round Lake
Partially buried, uninjured snowmobiler in Cooke
Incident details include images
Incident details contain video
Round Lake
Elevation: 9,500
Aspect: E
Coordinates: 45.0745, -109.9070
Caught: 1 ; Buried: 1

A rider from MN triggered an avalanche immediately north of Round Lake. He was caught, pulled his airbag and was buried with his head out, under his sled. He attributes this to his airbag. His partners dug him out and he was uninjured.

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Bridger Range
Saddle Peak
Skier triggered on Saddle Peak
Incident details include images
Saddle Peak
Elevation: 8,800
Aspect: E
Coordinates: 45.7943, -110.9360
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

From GCSAR and Bridger Bowl Ski Patrol:

A skier triggered a slide descending the skyline/nose of Saddle Peak. No one was caught. It initially triggered at the first rock band, then pulled out much wider at the second rock band. The skier was on his second lap was the third set of tracks on the peak. All tracks were accounted for and a beacon search of the debris came up empty.

Depth was described as "full depth" (2 feet) and running on the depth hoar.

Crown was 80' wide on the first horizontal band and 250' on the second. The lower crown wrappped around the ridge out of view.

More Avalanche Details
Butte Area
Flint Creek Range
Avalanche accident on Twin Peaks
Flint Creek Range
Coordinates: 46.3237, -113.1020
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

2 Snowmobilers riding into the Twin Peaks area, and one decided to sidehill a slope with patchy larch trees that is 42 degrees at the top, and consistently windloaded.  The resulting avalanche took him and his sled approximately 300 feet downhill to a patch of small diameter larch trees where the trees formed a fence that strained the rider and his sled and also piled up the debris.  It was likely one of these small trees that broke the victim's leg.  They were very familiar with the area, and all the previous accidents (one fatality occurred north of this spot by 150 yds, and several full and partial burials have occurred along this ridge) that have happened in that area.  They were carrying all rescue gear and airbags(victim did not deploy his airbag).  One of the riders was at an avalanche class I put on at the toe of the slope 5 years ago.  There was no real hazard evaluation, and the riders did not observe any signs of instability prior to triggering the avalanche. Once the rider sidehilled into the open everything fractured above him in the windslab.  My partner and I had several large collapses assessing the area, and the victim's riding partner stated that they had several collapses moving the victim to the helicopter.  The helicopter landed very close to the toe of the slope.  The snow depth at the crown was 60 inches deep, with one wind slab sitting on another on facets, and at the toe of the slope the snow depth was less than 20 inches deep.  The fracture traveled roughly 800 feet in and around the larch trees near the top of the slope and it deposited debris in 3 different run outs.

Victim was buried vertically with a boot sticking out, and his riding partner exposed his face in 2 minutes.  He extricated his whole body in 8-10.  He had a broken femur and a broken hand.  As they were digging, rescuers stated that the second leg wasn't vertical, and they found it at an oblique angle to the rest of the body.  They had an inreach and sent out a help signal that was picked up, and LifeFlight was nearby.  Lifeflight was able to land at the base of the slope and take him to St. Pete's in Missoula at 1230 pm.

Photo: https://www.mtavalanche.com/images/24/twin-peaks-avalanche

More Avalanche Details
Northern Gallatin
Flanders Creek
Skier Triggered Avalanche on SE bowl of Flanders
Incident details include images
Flanders Creek
Aspect: SE
Coordinates: 45.4402, -110.9310
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

Skiers in the SE bowl of Flanders triggered an avalanche from the bottom of the slope. 

From Obs: "as he turned into the bowl, a remote triggered avalanche ripped out above him. He was fast to reach a safe position in the trees by the time the avalanche finished its ride. The photo shows the 3 ski tracks, and the most left one is what remote triggered above." 

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Island Park
Snowmobile Triggered Avalanche in Black Canyon
Incident details include images
Coordinates: 44.5476, -111.2390
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

From interaction at the gas station:

“We were riding out from Island Park. We saw dramatic, collapses, and shooting cracks. I side-hilled a small slope and triggered it 1.5 to 2 feet deep. I have never seen such unstable snow.”

The avalanche likely failed on a layer of surface hoar widespread in the Lionhead and Island Park areas. The avalanche buried part of the groomed road that crosses below this slope. 

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Northern Gallatin
Mt Blackmore
Skier triggered slide on Mt. Blackmore
Mt Blackmore
Aspect: SE
Coordinates: 45.4444, -111.0040
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

A skier triggered an avalanche on the SE face of Mt. Blackmore near the ridge on the morning of 1/19/24.

From text:  "Hard to with the visibility but it ran almost all the way to the skin track (~800 vertical). It definitely broke 8 inches deep and 50 ft wide, but it might've gotten a little wider and deeper."

More Avalanche Details
Cooke City
Multiple Remotely Triggered Avalanches, N. of Cooke City
Coordinates: 45.0202, -109.9380
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

We receive vague reports of a group reporting multiple remotely triggered avalanches north of Cooke City on 1/16. A member of this same group similarly triggered an avalanche on Sheep Mountain on 1/14 (video overview attached to the entry), so the reports of avalanches yesterday are likely reliable. 

More Avalanche Details
Cooke City
Sheep Mountain
Remotely Triggered Avalanche, Sheep Mountain
Incident details contain video
Sheep Mountain
Aspect: SE
Coordinates: 45.0722, -109.9280
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

A snowmobiler triggered an avalanche from the bottom of the slope as he rode past a gulley below Sheep Mountain. The avalanche barely missed him. The avalanche was approximately 100' wide and 2' deep. It failed on a wind-loaded slope, ESE-facing, and was large enough to bury or injure a skier or rider.

More Avalanche Details
Northern Madison
Skier triggered wind slab near Big Sky
Elevation: 9,700
Aspect: S
Coordinates: 45.2952, -111.4100
Caught: 1 ; Buried: 0

On 1/12/24, a skier triggered a 2 ft deep avalanche on a wind loaded south facing slope at 9700 ft near Big Sky and was caught and carried by it.

More Avalanche Details
Northern Gallatin
Mt Blackmore
Small Skier Triggered Avalanche on Mt. Blackmore
Incident details include images
Mt Blackmore
Coordinates: 45.4444, -111.0040
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

Near the bottom of their ski run a skier and a group triggered an avalanche that broke above them. This avalanche did not run far and stopped above the skier. No skiers were caught or carried. 

More Avalanche Details
Northern Gallatin
Mt Blackmore
Skier Triggered and Natural Avalanches in Hyalite
Incident details include images
Mt Blackmore
Aspect: E
Coordinates: 45.4444, -111.0040
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

A skier at Mt. Blackmore saw multiple natural avalanches and one skier triggered avalanche. These likely happened earlier in the day or the day prior, 01/07. 

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Lionhead Range
Lionhead Ridge
Skier triggered at Lionhead
Lionhead Ridge
Elevation: 8,600
Aspect: NE
Coordinates: 44.7145, -111.3180
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

Skier triggered avalanche at Lionhead on NNE, 8600 ft. Video of remote triggering slide on IG

More Avalanche Details
Northern Madison
Big Sky Resort
Natural/Goat triggered Avalanches Big Sky
Incident details include images
Big Sky Resort
Aspect: S
Coordinates: 45.2760, -111.4360
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

Big Sky Ski Patrol reported two natural avalanches seen today (12/15) in closed terrain. 

From email on 12/16: "Further investigation of the avalanche yesterday showed goat tracks leading into the crown area of the avalanche. At the debris pile, it was obvious that a goat had taken the full ride in the slide that it triggered. There was a depression in the debris pile where the critter had come to rest at the surface, and obvious hoof prints trailing away from the debris pile, and then upslope for the long walk back up to rejoin the heard. There was no blood, and the tracks looked usual, with no obvious sign of broken leg(s). It is unknown if the goat was wearing an airbag or if it was deployed in the avalanche. It was a significant ride, 1K’ vt., 1⁄4 mile linear, likely of high speed, through 2nd Dictator transition, which was taken down to mostly bare ground."

More Avalanche Details
Northern Gallatin
Mt Blackmore
Skier triggered avalanche Mt. Blackmore
Incident details include images
Incident details contain video
Mt Blackmore
Elevation: 9,800
Aspect: SE
Coordinates: 45.4444, -111.0040
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

A skier triggered avalanche on the SE face of Mt. Blackmore. Crown is marked.

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Bridger Range
Bridger Bowl
Skier Triggered Avalanche at Bridger Bowl
Incident details include images
Bridger Bowl
Coordinates: 45.8156, -110.9230
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

From email: "Solo skier that released a small pocket of snow at the bottom of Super Couloir - he was not caught and it was just the recent new snow and it didn't run far."

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Bridger Range
Bridger Bowl
Skier triggered pocket at Bridger Bowl
Incident details include images
Bridger Bowl
Elevation: 8,500
Aspect: NE
Coordinates: 45.8156, -110.9230
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

From IG: Pocket I set off between finger 2 and 3 at Bridger Bowl just above the road. Finger 1 had someone ski it while we were hiking and they got a face wide crack.

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Lionhead Range
Lionhead Ridge
Splitboarder triggered avalanche at lionhead
Lionhead Ridge
Elevation: 9,000
Aspect: NE
Coordinates: 44.7145, -111.3180
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

Was splitboarding up near lions head ridge today. Made some bad decisions and kicked off a good slide in a NE facing chute. Was with 2 buddies, 1 of which skied the line 3 weeks ago.  Underneath about a foot of new powder snow there was a firm crust that seemed like it was old  hard windslab in the gut of the chute, and I think a sun crust on the riders left side(East aspect). We had 2 spots where we were planning to re group at, first was a small cubby area right before a slight rollover about 75 ft from the top. I dropped first, made some turns down toward the pulloff, as I pulled in, I triggered a good size slab that propagated maybe 40-50 ft across, at the rollover as I carved into the pulloff.  Pulled  all snow  out of the chute down to the ground. Seemed to have failed on sugary facets on ground/ice crust close to the ground... 

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Northern Gallatin
Mt Blackmore
Skier triggered Windslab Mt Blackmore
Incident details include images
Mt Blackmore
Elevation: 9,750
Aspect: E
Coordinates: 45.4443, -111.0020
Caught: 0 ; Buried: 0

Skiers reported triggering an avalanche on the east face of Mt. Blackmore on Sunday.

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Bridger Range
The Great One
Skier Triggered Wind Slab in The Great One
Incident details include images
The Great One
Elevation: 9,000
Aspect: N
Coordinates: 45.8926, -110.9620
Caught: 1 ; Buried: 0

From observation: "Skier triggered windslab in the Great One off of Naya Nuki peak, skier was carried 15-20ft before arresting. Slide was triggered roughly halfway down the couloir where the right wall dips away exposing the snow to wind. Hard consolidated snow over facets, roughly 1-1.5 ft thick, ran about 50-100 ft before pouring over the cliff faces below. North- northeast aspect." 11/8/2023

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