
GNFAC Avalanche Forecast for Fri Feb 13, 2015

Snowpack and Avalanche Discussion

Wet Snow Danger

With a light freeze overnight and sunshine and warm temperatures today, wet snow avalanches will become possible this afternoon especially with calm winds, and the danger of wet snow avalanches will be MODERATE. Any wet snow avalanche activity that occurs shouldn’t be very big but will be something to watch for. Fortunately the snowpack will give warning signs like pinwheels of snow rolling downslope.

Southern Madison Range   Southern Gallatin Range   

A huge dump in Boston is creating avalanche conditions adjacent to sidewalks.  From an email, "It's actually a pretty scary situation here in Boston, there's a pretty a serious instability in the snow pack, we're seeing these massive avalanche crowns, and anything on even moderate slopes are sliding with minimal pressure. It's so rare in the east that people don't know how to handle it, notice a few pics of the large crown's I took.  We're experiencing these massive slides into already shoveled sidewalks and roads, and people are absolutely losing their minds!" Photo: B.

No Region, 2015-02-10