
This pit was dug near the ridgeline a few hundred feet to the south of the top of the Ramp (N of Bridger Bowl).  The new snow was bonding well to the old snow surface and would not break in our tests. We did not find weak snow in this area and rated the stability "very good". Photo: GNFAC

Bridger Range, 2015-02-16

GNFAC Avalanche Forecast for Sun Feb 15, 2015

Snowpack and Avalanche Discussion

Southern Madison Range   Southern Gallatin Range 

Lionhead Area near West Yellowstone

Yesterday - abundant sunshine, calm winds and temperatures in the 40s F softened all but north facing slopes. As a result, the snow surface will be locked up with a firm ice crust on solar aspects today. This will help stability on most slopes, but will make for some hideous riding conditions.