Beehive Basin Obs
From email: "Skies were clear at 8am, but clouds rolled in quickly and we had S-1 snowfall starting at 1pm. Winds were L in the basin and L-M at ridge tops out of the W-NW. Moderate snow transport on high elevation peaks. West aspects near ridgetops were scoured, as they usually are. We found a 2-3cm thick MF crust under 5-10cm of new snow on E, W, and S aspects near ridgetops and in the basin. No cr, co.
Students dug pits on E-SE aspects at 9200', as well as on E and W aspects near the Prayer Flags. HS ranged from 100-145cm. Two of ten pits had propagation. ECTP1 on small facets above the MF crust and under a wind slab. ECTP30 on 2mm facets 30cm up from the ground. Hand pits had planar results below the MF crust where it was capped by a wind slab."