YNP obs near Cooke

YNP obs near Cooke


Toured up the Boundary of Yellowstone Park today. Performed stability tests on two different aspects at two different elevations and these were our results.

  1. 9100', South aspect, 120HS, Rounded FC at base. Recent storm interface found small .5mm FC 40cm down but no test results on that layer. ECTX
  2. 9800', West aspect, Hs190cm, ECTX, LOC 110cm down, old MFcr/Facet Layer

No recent avalanche activity seen. One large collapse near a ridge line with thin snowpack (<70cm) 

Deep Slab on Northern aspects still a player. Rounding Basal Facets found on South and West aspects

Cooke City
Location (from list)
Yellowstone Park NE
Observer Name
B Zavora BPG