YNP obs near Cooke
Toured up the Boundary of Yellowstone Park today. Performed stability tests on two different aspects at two different elevations and these were our results.
- 9100', South aspect, 120HS, Rounded FC at base. Recent storm interface found small .5mm FC 40cm down but no test results on that layer. ECTX
- 9800', West aspect, Hs190cm, ECTX, LOC 110cm down, old MFcr/Facet Layer
No recent avalanche activity seen. One large collapse near a ridge line with thin snowpack (<70cm)
Deep Slab on Northern aspects still a player. Rounding Basal Facets found on South and West aspects
Cooke City
Location (from list)
Yellowstone Park NE
Observer Name
B Zavora BPG