Recent Avalanches near Cooke

Recent Avalanches near Cooke


We rode over Daisy Pass and out to Abundance, then around Fisher and behind Scotch Bonnet, and back to Lulu Road. Visability was marginal with overcast skies and light snowfall in and out through the day. Wind was light to moderate with moderate gusts. Moving some snow from trees and along the surface, stiffening slabs. Snowfall rates picked up this evening. 

We saw three avalanches just north of Daisy Pass and one on Henderson Mtn. The one on Henderson was difficult to see the crown, but we could see the debris. Two of the slides north of Daisy were 2-3' deep and 100-150' wide and ran into thick stands of trees, looked like thick soft slabs/drifts of recent snowfall. The other slide was 1-2' deep and 300-500' wide, soft slab of recent snow.

We dug a pit between Scotch Bonnet and Sheep Mtn. on a sw facing slope at 9,800'. HS was 135cm (4feet). We had ECTP12 and ECTP26, both on a layer at similar height as the surface hoar has been found (1.5-2 feet above the ground). The weak layer was mostly 2-3mm facets w/ small cups and some signs of surface hoar on top of a melt-freeze crust. 

With a lot of recent new snow and more on the way, plus recent avalanches and poor snow structure, I expect avalanches will continue through the weekend. Choose routes that avoid travel on and below slopes steeper than 30 degrees.

Cooke City
Location (from list)
Daisy Pass
Observer Name
Alex Marienthal