East Rosebud Avalanche

East Rosebud Avalanche


Know it's not in the advisory areas at all, but today my partners and I witnessed a natural avalanche in the Excalibur Couloir in the East Rosebud drainage. This D1.5/2 slide started from hangfire not visible from the couloir that created a wet slide after being in the sun for about 2-2.5 hours. No one was caught or injured thankfully but definitely a spooky experience and relevant to the forecast this morning when it discussed not discounting the danger of loose wet avalanches from the new snow especially in consequential terrain. Despite an early start, those two hours in the sun at that aspect heated the snow and caused it to slide so much quicker than expected which I think in part might be due to a pretty superficial freeze out there last night. Again, know it's not super relevant to where ya'll forecast for but due to the sheer warmth everywhere today maybe others had similar experiences or could learn from it! Unfortunately, no photos since we were more concerned about getting out of there safely more than anything. 

Out of Advisory Area
Observer Name
Haylee Darby