natural avalanches and sluffs in maid of the mist

natural avalanches and sluffs in maid of the mist


Didn't get a good HN measurement, estimated ~25-30cm

S1 most of the day, our skin track was buried on the way out

Moderate winds, predominately westerly

Southerly aspects had significant sluffing on the crust interface

Storm snow <F, but subtly stiffening during the day

Observed a D1.5 natural on the N side of Maid of the Mist, photo attached. Looked like the upper pocket slid, then triggered the lower slope. ~75m crown line on the lower slope, depth looked like between 20-40cm. Upper pocket, hard to tell with limited viz

Northern Gallatin
Location (from list)
Maid of the Mist
Observer Name
matt zia