Iceberg Peak

Iceberg Peak


Hey guys,

I wanted to reach out to report an avalanche we saw out by Goose Lake yesterday (3/27)... we skinned over Goose Pass in the morning and the mountains were socked in but we are pretty sure this wasn't there at 8am. On the way back (5pm) we noticed this large avalanche on the NE face of Iceberg Peak at about 11,200. It broke naturally in the new snow which was drifted heavily by SW winds (20-40mph all day). It appears to be 3-4' deep at the deepest spots, 600' wide, and ran 750'. There is a small area below the upper crown that stepped down, but tough to tell if that was just snow from the start of this storm. We did not notice any other activity in the area...

Cooke City
Location (from list)
Goose Lake
Observer Name
Max Cohen