
From IG: "Avalanche in the crazies that caught and carried me today. There were quite a few cars at the trailhead so I thought I’d share so maybe more people knew what the crazies snowpack is like.

Hard wind slab on a NE aspect at 8000ft. The whole seam was about 300feet wide and the toe was maybe 100 feet below the crown at the furthest. Collapsed on buried surface hoar on top of a freeze crust."

Out of Advisory Area, 2022-03-15

From IG: "Avalanche in the crazies that caught and carried me today. There were quite a few cars at the trailhead so I thought I’d share so maybe more people knew what the crazies snowpack is like.

Hard wind slab on a NE aspect at 8000ft. The whole seam was about 300feet wide and the toe was maybe 100 feet below the crown at the furthest. Collapsed on buried surface hoar on top of a freeze crust."

Out of Advisory Area, 2022-03-15

From IG: "Avalanche in the crazies that caught and carried me today. There were quite a few cars at the trailhead so I thought I’d share so maybe more people knew what the crazies snowpack is like.

Hard wind slab on a NE aspect at 8000ft. The whole seam was about 300feet wide and the toe was maybe 100 feet below the crown at the furthest. Collapsed on buried surface hoar on top of a freeze crust." Anonymous

Out of Advisory Area, 2022-03-15

Natural and Human Triggered Avalanches at Buck Ridge

Buck Ridge
Northern Madison

On March 12, riders at Buck Ridge triggered 3 slides from the base of small hills. They also observed two natural avalanches and one other slide triggered by a snowmobiler. 

Number of slides
Number caught
Number buried
Avalanche Type
Soft slab avalanche
D size
Slab Thickness units
Single / Multiple / Red Flag
Multiple Avalanches
Advisory Year

On March 12, riders at Buck Ridge triggered 3 slides from the base of small hills. They also observed two natural avalanches and one other slide triggered by a snowmobiler. Photo: sledr700

Northern Madison, 2022-03-15

Avalanche Buck Ridge


Very slide prone buck ridge today. 3 triggered riding at base of hill. 2 larger ones triggered naturally in last day or two and another small one trigger by sledder in last couple of days.

Northern Madison
Location (from list)
Buck Ridge

Avalanche Crazies


Avalanche in the crazies that caught and carried me today. There were quite a few cars at the trailhead so I thought I’d share so maybe more people knew what the crazies snowpack is like.

Hard wind slab on a NE aspect at 8000ft. The whole seam was about 300feet wide and the toe was maybe 100 feet below the crown at the furthest. Collapsed on buried surface hoar on top of a freeze crust.

Out of Advisory Area
Location (from list)
Crazy Peak