
Skier-Triggered Slab Tobacco Roots

Bell Lake
Out of Advisory Area

From the email:

"We toured up to the Bell Lake area with the objective of the adjacent north-facing lines. Dug several pits at the top of the apron of the Good One beside the slide path. Found ECTN6 @ 5cm and ECTN14 @ ~25 cm. Also 15 cm groppel layer at about 70cm. We made a rising traverse across the slide path to test the more cross-loaded west edge and our assumption that the groppel was localized. This traverse caused a very small (D1/R1) slide on the ~5cm interface. We decided to turn around and skied down the apron, then repeated a lap on the apron. The second time we notices some slow moving debris higher in the chute, which was a natural slab of similar size (both us and Bell Lake guides observed a crown about half the width of the chute).

We ended up ascending to the ridge further east in a tightly treed area and adjacent slide path where the snow was less wind effected and less reactive. Our initial goal was to ski the lower angle runouts of the slide paths over to the last slide path I have heard called Exit Chute or Going Home. When we noticed the less wind effected snow we kept pushing the skin track up to the ridge.

At the top of the ridge I skied off a wind lip and ski cut the eastern aspect on the way over the to Exit Chute/Going Home. The slope was being actively loaded and we had discussed briefly how we had not gathered information on this slope - gathering some first would have been smarter. The resulting crown was 24-30" and spanned about 150'. Probably D1.5/R2). After several pits on the North side and a pit on the same aspect that slid (east), we got similar results at the two interfaces. The big difference I noted were hardness and grain type lemons at the lower interface, the sun crust bed surface of the eastern aspect that slid. On the northern aspect the lemons and the crust were not present at that interface."

Number of slides
Number caught
Number buried
Number killed
Avalanche Type
Hard slab avalanche
Trigger Modifier
c-A controlled or intentional release by the indicated trigger
R size
D size
Bed Surface
I - Interface between new and old snow
Problem Type
Wind-Drifted Snow
Slab Thickness
30.0 inches
Slab Width
Slab Thickness units
Single / Multiple / Red Flag
Single Avalanche
Advisory Year

GNFAC Avalanche Forecast for Mon Apr 8, 2019

Snowpack and Avalanche Discussion

<p>Spring weather can be highly variable and create a mix of avalanche problems to watch out for. Snow conditions and stability can change drastically from day to day or hour to hour. Anticipate rapid change and plan accordingly. Abundant snowfall over the winter with more spring snow to come makes avalanches possible into summer.</p>


<p>Spring storms are notorious for depositing heavy amounts of snow in the mountains. Even with a deep and generally stable snowpack throughout the advisory area, heavy and rapid loads of new snow will decrease stability. The main problems to look out for are avalanches breaking within the new snow, wind slabs, and loose snow avalanches. The likelihood of triggering an avalanche spikes during and immediately after snowstorms. New snow instabilities tend to stabilize quickly, but it’s a good idea to give new snow a day to adjust before hitting big terrain. New snow instabilities can be difficult to assess, and spring storms bond to old snow differently across aspects and elevations. Conservative terrain selection is essential during and immediately following storms. Wind loaded slopes and slopes steeper than 35 degrees should be avoided for 24-48 hours after new snow and wind.</p>

<p>New snow can quickly change from dry to wet on a spring day, and stability can decrease rapidly with above freezing temperatures or brief sunshine. New snow may bond well early in the morning, and then easily slide later. Wet loose slides are likely during the first above freezing temperatures or sunshine immediately after a storm. Anticipate changes in snow stability as you change aspect or elevation, and over the course of the day. An early start is always an advantage. Be ready to change plans or move to safer terrain at the first signs of decreasing stability.</p>


<p>Spring and wet snow avalanches go hand-in-hand. Above freezing temperatures, rain, and/or intense sunshine cause the snow to become wet and weak, and make wet avalanches easy to trigger or release naturally. Conditions tend to become most unstable when temperatures stay above freezing for multiple days and nights in a row. Avoid steep terrain, and be aware of potential for natural wet avalanches in steep terrain above you, if you see:</p>

<li>Heavy rain,</li>
<li>Above freezing temperatures for more than 24 hours,</li>
<li>Natural wet avalanches,</li>
<li>Roller balls or pin wheels indicating a moist or wet snow surface,</li>
<li>Or if you sink to your boot top in wet snow.</li>

<p>In general, if the snow surface freezes solid overnight, the snowpack will be stable in the morning and stability will decrease through the day as snow warms up. The snow surface hardness, rate of warming, duration of sunshine, aspect and elevation determine how fast stability will decrease through the day. Be aware that sunny aspects may have a wet snow avalanche danger while shadier slopes still have a dry snow avalanche danger. Getting off of steep slopes should be considered when, or before, the above signs of instability are present. Wet snow avalanches, whether loose snow or slabs, can be powerful, destructive and very dangerous. Conservative terrain choices, starting early in the day, and careful observations can keep you safe. See Alex’s recent video, and this <a href="https://www.mtavalanche.com/blog/transitions-spring-snow-avalanche-prob… more spring travel advice.</p>


<p>Cornices along ridgelines are massive and can break under the weight of a person (<strong><a href="https://www.mtavalanche.com/images/19/large-cornice-near-cooke-city">ph…;). Prolonged above freezing temperatures and rain make them weaker and possible to break naturally. They can break off suddenly and farther back than one might expect. Cornice falls can also entrain large amounts of loose snow or trigger slab avalanches. Stay far back from the edge of ridgelines and minimize exposure to slopes directly below cornices. Regardless of whether a cornice triggers a slide or not, a falling cornice is dangerous to anyone in its path.</p>


<p>It does not matter if new snow falls or not, avalanches will continue to occur until the existing snowpack is mostly gone. Always assess the slope you plan to ride with diligence and safety in mind. Do not let your guard down. Travel with a partner, carry rescue gear and only expose one person at a time in avalanche terrain.</p>

<p>Have a safe and enjoyable spring and summer!</p>

<p>Doug, Eric, Alex, and Ian</p>

<p>If you get out and have any avalanche or snowpack observations to share, contact us via our <a href="https://www.mtavalanche.com/node/add/snow_observation">website</a&gt;, email (<a href="mailto:mtavalanche@gmail.com">mtavalanche@gmail.com</a&gt;), phone (406-587-6984), or Instagram (#gnfacobs).</p>

Info and Announcements

We will issue weather and snowpack updates on Monday and Friday mornings for most of April, and update our weather log daily.

The Hyalite road is closed to motorized travel until May 16th. Bike and foot traffic is allowed.

Natural avalanche in the Crazies

Other place
Out of Advisory Area

Natural wind slab in the Crazy Mountains near Twin Lakes. From the email: 

"Wet slides were not a concern due to low temps but I noticed a hard wind slab on top of a frozen layer on higher elevation slopes." Photo: A. Vadis

Number of slides
Number caught
Number buried
Number killed
Avalanche Type
Hard slab avalanche
Natural trigger
R size
D size
Bed Surface
I - Interface between new and old snow
Problem Type
Wind-Drifted Snow
Slab Thickness
6.0 inches
Slab Thickness units
Single / Multiple / Red Flag
Single Avalanche
Advisory Year

Skier-Triggered wind slab near Beehive

Beehive Basin
Northern Madison

Skiers unintentionally triggered a wind slab on an east facing slope near Beehive Basin. From the email:

"Climbed a W-facing couloir to drop over the ridge on our way to Gallatin Peak. Really firm up top.
The E-facing couloir we were gonna ski down had gotten some wind-loading, but didn't look too bad. I entered slowly from the north side, and almost immediately set off a small windslab. It wasn't big (crown maybe a foot at the deepest, most of it more like 6"), all new snow, but riding it down that couloir would really not have been a day-brightener. I slid a couple feet, but I was on the edge and it broke around me, so I wasn't caught. Probably about 8am, when we were up there."

Number of slides
Number caught
Number buried
Number killed
Avalanche Type
Soft slab avalanche
D size
Bed Surface
I - Interface between new and old snow
Problem Type
Wind-Drifted Snow
Slab Thickness
6.0 inches
Slab Thickness units
Single / Multiple / Red Flag
Single Avalanche
Advisory Year