
GNFAC Avalanche Forecast for Sat Apr 3, 2021

Snowpack and Avalanche Discussion

<p>Last night was the second night without a solid freeze. Thin crusts this morning will break down quickly with another day of warm temperatures and intense sun. The snowpack hasn’t fallen apart from the warmth yet, but we’ve been close. Breezes and bits of cloud cover have helped keep the melting from getting out of control. Winds will be slightly lighter today and I expect few if any clouds. I don’t anticipate widespread large wet avalanches today, but another warm night/day is making me a bit nervous. Pay close attention to the snow under your feet and have a safe bailout option planned in case melting is more advanced than anticipated.&nbsp;</p>

<p>Expect to trigger small wet loose avalanches if you’re on steep sunny slopes this afternoon. These small slides will primarily be an issue in high consequence terrain where they could push you into a tree or rocks or off a cliff. The deeper surface snow is wet and sloppy, the larger and more problematic these loose slides will be.</p>

<p>There may be some slopes where water is beginning to pool in the lower snowpack and the possibility is developing for wet slab avalanches (<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIajdl9hhyo"><strong><u>wet slab video</u></strong></a>). Wet slabs are much harder to predict and are much more dangerous than loose avalanches. Even the slight possibility of triggering one of these slabs provides extra incentive to avoid the sunniest and warmest slopes with the most meltwater production in the late afternoon (<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MA7kV6fb-Q"><strong><u>wet snow timing video</u></strong></a>).&nbsp;</p>

<p>Dry slab avalanches are unlikely. Still, be mindful as you could trigger an isolated wind slab or slide on deeper weak layers. Remain alert, even on shady slopes.</p>

<p>Large avalanches are possible and the avalanche danger is rated MODERATE today.</p>

<p>If you get out, please send us your observations no matter how brief. You can submit them via our <a href="https://www.mtavalanche.com/node/add/snow_observation"><strong><u>websi…;, email (<a href="mailto:mtavalanche@gmail.com"><strong><u>mtavalanche@gmail.com</u></str…;), phone (406-587-6984), or Instagram (#gnfacobs).</p>

Upcoming Avalanche Education and Events

See our education calendar for an up-to-date list of all local classes. Here are a few select upcoming events and opportunities to check out:

THIS MONDAY: April 5, 6:30 p.m., Forecaster Chat with Alex Marienthal, hosted by Uphill Pursuits, “Spring Snowpack and Forecasting Tools”. Link to Join.

GNFAC Avalanche Forecast for Fri Apr 2, 2021

Snowpack and Avalanche Discussion

<p>Wet avalanches are the primary concern today. Except at the highest elevations, temperatures either didn’t drop below freezing last night or only dipped below freezing for a few hours. This means that some slopes didn’t refreeze at all while others will only have a slight surface crust this morning. Today is forecasted to be the warmest day so far this spring. As the surface snow gets wet today it will begin to avalanche as loose, wet slides. The combination of a poor refreeze last night and even warmer temperatures today means these conditions will develop earlier today than they did yesterday.&nbsp;</p>

<p>As Dave discusses in his <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MA7kV6fb-Q"><strong><u>video</u></stro…; from Beehive yesterday, safe travel with wet snow is all a matter of timing. As the day goes on, it will become easier to trigger loose wet avalanches and slides will start to entrain more snow and become larger. Plan to avoid steep, sunny slopes later this afternoon. Fortunately, it is readily apparent when conditions are becoming more dangerous - once you’re sinking more than ankle deep into wet snow, it’s time to move to shadier slopes or head home.</p>

<p>Minimize your time travelling underneath cornices today, especially as the day heats up, as they’ve grown big and will start to break off with this warm weather.&nbsp;</p>

<p>On shady slopes where the snowpack remains dry, we’re not completely in the clear. Strong winds have continued drifting snow and while drifts will generally be well bonded, you could find a pocket where they’re not. It’s worth digging down to make sure you haven’t stumbled onto an unstable drift before committing to a steep shady slope. While you’re digging, cover your bases by testing for a weak layer a couple feet under the surface.&nbsp;</p>

<p>The avalanche danger is rated MODERATE today.&nbsp;</p>

<p>If you get out, please send us your observations no matter how brief. You can submit them via our <a href="https://www.mtavalanche.com/node/add/snow_observation"><strong><u>websi…;, email (<a href="mailto:mtavalanche@gmail.com"><strong><u>mtavalanche@gmail.com</u></str…;), phone (406-587-6984), or Instagram (#gnfacobs).</p>

Upcoming Avalanche Education and Events

See our education calendar for an up-to-date list of all local classes. Here are a few select upcoming events and opportunities to check out:

April 5, 6:30 p.m., Forecaster Chat with Alex Marienthal, hosted by Uphill Pursuits, “Spring Snowpack and Forecasting Tools”. Link to Join.

Knowles Peak


This morning we toured up Knowles Peak. Near surface facets were widespread in this area. At higher elevations and areas with more wind loading, we found this layer to be very reactive (video). S/ SW winds were loading slopes throughout the area (photo), and we observed a large slab avalanche that occurred on a NW aspect of a ridge south of Chico Peak (photo, both photos were captured through binoculars and are a bit blurry). Due to time constraints, a snow pit was not dug. We completed the tour shortly after 9am, and noted on the decent that the heat had already affecting the snow.

Out of Advisory Area
Location (from list)
Knowles Peak
Observer Name
Erich Schreier

GNFAC Avalanche Forecast for Thu Apr 1, 2021

Snowpack and Avalanche Discussion

<p>Today is “Opening Day” for wet avalanches. The sun is intense and mountain temperatures are climbing well above freezing. As surface snow moistens it will begin to avalanche as loose, wet slides. These slides will be obvious and predictable and confined to the top few inches of the snowpack on slopes bathed in sun. Snow getting wet for the first time will be extra reactive which <a href="https://youtu.be/dKylphTEx7U"><strong><u>Ian discusses in his video</u></strong></a> from the northern Bridger Range yesterday. The slightest change in aspect and wind will affect snow surface temperature and rate of melting. Today, mid-mountain breezes could keep wet snow avalanches from becoming widespread, but even small wet slides can twist a knee or push us into a terrain trap (gully, cliff, trees, etc). Air temperatures are forecasted to be above freezing tonight which means wet avalanches will occur deeper and earlier in the day tomorrow.&nbsp;</p>

<p>While wet avalanches are the #1 concern, we need to be mindful of others. Wind slabs at the ridgeline, cornices sagging, breaking and triggering slides, depth hoar at the ground, and perhaps a weak layer 2-feet under the surface. Although each one of these is unlikely to occur, when we travel in the backcountry our avalanche concern is not binary. Added together these concerns increase the odds of getting caught in a slide. Avoid slopes that are getting wet and stay clear of cornices, both on the ridgeline and on slopes below. In dry snow it’s a good idea to dig and test just to be safe and not get surprised.&nbsp;</p>

<p>Today, because of the wide array of concerns, avalanches are possible and the danger is rated MODERATE on all slopes. If temperatures are warmer than forecasted or wind dies down, avalanche activity may become more widespread. Situational awareness is crucial because the snowpack is changing by the hour.&nbsp;</p>

<p>If you get out, please send us your observations no matter how brief. You can submit them via our <a href="https://www.mtavalanche.com/node/add/snow_observation"><strong><u>websi…;, email (<a href="mailto:mtavalanche@gmail.com"><strong><u>mtavalanche@gmail.com</u></str…;), phone (406-587-6984), or Instagram (#gnfacobs).</p>

Upcoming Avalanche Education and Events

See our education calendar for an up-to-date list of all local classes. Here are a few select upcoming events and opportunities to check out:

April 5, 6:30 p.m., Forecaster Chat with Alex Marienthal, hosted by Uphill Pursuits, “Spring Snowpack and Forecasting Tools”. Link to Join.