
From an email:

"A party of 5 of us went touring in the Bell Lake area yesterday (Sunday, 11/23/14). We skinned up into the cirque and were working our way up to a place where we planned to dig a pit when one member of our party remotely triggered a slide that propagated around the bowl...There were two different layers that slid, the top one was about 8 inches and was primarily new snow over facets. The bottom layer was about 3 inches and was a wind slab sitting on facets right on the ground. Nobody in our party was caught in the slide."

No Region, 2014-11-25

GNFAC Avalanche Advisory for Mon Nov 24, 2014

Snowpack and Avalanche Discussion

A skier triggered avalanche last Wednesday near Hardscrabble Peak in the Bridger Range (video) and cracking and collapsing of the snow in many ranges over the weekend illustrate a common problem: a poor snow structure (photo). The cold snap a couple weeks ago changed the snow on the ground into crunchy facets. Facets are weak and do not bond well to each other. They feel like sugar and you cannot make snowman out of them.