
GNFAC Avalanche Forecast for Mon Dec 1, 2014

Snowpack and Avalanche Discussion

Cooke City

The avalanche warning for the mountains around Cooke City has expired, but dangerous avalanche conditions still exist. Facets near the ground will continue to feel the stress from the most recent storm and still hold to potential to produce large and dangerous avalanches. There is now a dense slab sitting on these facets and it will still be possible to trigger slides remotely (from a distance).  At this time I would continue to avoid slopes steep than thirty degrees, especially if they are attached to larger steeper slopes.

Henderson Mountain Avalanche Fatality

Two snowmobilers were riding north of Cooke City, MT along the Daisy Pass Road under Henderson Mountain just past the turn to the Miller Road. One rode through a gap in the trees to a gully that opened to a 37 degree slope above him. His partner remained on the road. He remotely triggered an avalanche and was buried about 5 feet deep, 100 feet from the road. The avalanche danger was rated HIGH on all slopes and an Avalanche Warning had been issued that day.