
We found lots of thin snow at Lionhead with a layer of weak facets near the ground. These facets consistently propagated fractures with scores ranging from ECTP10 to ECTP24. No avalanches on this layer were seen, but riders can definitely trigger an avalanche on this layer if they hit a weak spot in the snowpack. Photo: GNFAC

Lionhead Range, 2015-01-09

GNFAC Avalanche Forecast for Thu Jan 8, 2015

Snowpack and Avalanche Discussion

Bridger Range   Gallatin Range   Madison Range  

Lionhead area near West Yellowstone   Cooke City

The odds of triggering an avalanche have dropped since just two days ago when heavy snowfall spiked the avalanche danger. The snowpack was not producing many avalanches prior to this storm and did not produce as many avalanches as we expected following the storm.