
GNFAC Avalanche Forecast for Mon Jan 19, 2015

Snowpack and Avalanche Discussion

Cooke City

Cooke City is a snow magnet. Over the past three days Fisher Creek Snotel site has recorded over a foot of snow totaling 1.7 inches of SWE (snow water equivalent). This new snow has provided plenty of ammunition for transport and wind slab development.

Upper elevation slopes leeward to west-southwest winds will be likely locations to encounter wind-drifted snow. With temperatures on the warm side, newly created wind-slabs will be stiff and stubborn. Although not hair trigger, recently formed wind slabs will likely fail under the weight of a skier or rider.

Doug Chabot finds a layer of surface hoar about 4-5 inches under the snow surface in Bacon Rind.  This layer formed last Wednesday (Jan 14) and got buried over the weekend.  It is now preserved and will be a future problem. Photo: GNFAC

Southern Madison, 2015-01-18