Northern Gallatin

Maid/Bole/Divide Area


We skied the SW face of Mt Bole yesterday (2/12) into the head of Storm Castle creek before wrapping back around to Divide. The only evidence of semi-recent avalanches was some cornice debris covered by the previous day’s snow off of the Arden and Bole ridge lines. The winds were gusting quite hard but not with enough frequency to facilitate much transport, and slab formation was minimal on all leeward aspects. There was around 2-4 inches of new snow at tree line and in the alpine. My most notable observation was just how THIN that whole area is, I hadn’t been up to the maid yet this year and was blown away by how many rocks are still out. 

Northern Gallatin
Location (from list)
Mt. Bole
Observer Name
Henry Coppolillo

Full Profile at Lick Creek


Warm, windy (Westerly) day 

Observed some wet loose activity on the Hyalite Canyon Road road cut.  

Northern Gallatin
Location (from list)
Lick Creek
Observer Name
Owen Miller

Chris Hericks, snow ranger on Beaverhead Deerlodge NF, points to the lower of two surface hoar layers. We are finding similar layering throughout our entire forecast area. The top 18" of the snowpack is weak and will quickly become unstable when it snows. Photo: GNFAC

Lionhead Range, 2022-02-10