Northern Gallatin

Loose snow avalanche Hyalite Canyon, Bobo Like

Ice Climbing

At about 10 AM I was belaying my partner on the first pitch of Bobo Like in the Flanders drainage of Hyalite Canyon.  We heard a low rumble and a couple seconds later we were engulfed in snow that poured out of the the pitch 2 gully, and seemed to keep coming for about 5 seconds.  My partner, who was on lead, was lucky enough to be at the base of the vertical ice of p1, so the snow mostly went over his head.  I was off to the side and close to rock at the base and was engulfed in loose snow, but not buried or injured.  We continued up afterwards.  When I was at the top of the second pitch, belaying my partner up, another small loose snow avalanche came down as river of snow, passing me as I hugged the anchor, and washed over my partner while he was on the pitch.  We were fortunate to have both been in positions to handle these avalanches without incident or injury.  In retrospect, the clear day and blasting morning sun likely loosened the snow above the gully and funneled it all down onto us.  After the first avalanche, the sun must have kept moving onto new slopes above, releasing more snow.  Even with a moderate danger level in the avalanche report for the day, with natural avalanches unlikely, we happened to find ourselves in a very specific scenario, with morning sun and a dangerous terrain feature, that still put us at risk.  Hopefully we will use this experience to improve our assessment of risk, terrain, and evolving conditions in the future.

Northern Gallatin
Location (from list)
Hyalite - East Fork

Hyalite Surface Hoar


Widespread surface hoar in Hyalite observed up to 8200ft, mostly on E and NE aspects 

Northern Gallatin
Observer Name
Mike Lavery

Mt Ellis


The snowpack structure has deteriorated on Ellis since the last time I was there a couple of weeks ago, but without loading, it remains generally stable. I am less optimistic about future stability. All slopes were covered by a layer of surface hoar and near-surface facets. Light winds will do little today to disrupt the surface snow. Hopefully we get some wind that beats this layer up a bit before it gets buried. 

We felt that finding instability was unlikely today with ECTXs and ECTNs in the 20s in both our pits.


Northern Gallatin
Location (from list)
Mt Ellis
Observer Name
Dave Zinn

Not too stoked on Saddle


We dropped in off the summit and my partner watched me from the top of the first cliff band while I dug below. HS 125cm. I got CT13, Q1 one foot under the surface which coincided with the natural wind slab avalanche from a few days ago. A CT16, Q1 failed one foot under that and a CT19, Q1 broke on the facets/depth hoar about one foot off the ground. Facets were F+ to 4F-. Slabs were 1F to P hardness. I was not happy about it the snow structure or test results. I decided to skin and boot back up to my partner and then head to the ridge. A big load an it’ll avalanche at the ground. It’s not great out there and the bigness of the terrain certainly increased my concern and effected my decision making, as it should. 

Bridger Range
Location (from list)
Saddle Peak
Observer Name
Doug Chabot

ECT & persistent weak layers – Little Ellis summit


Did two extended column tests on the east-facing slope of Little Ellis, both pits being ~20 ft down from the summit. The snow surface was a layer of surface hoar on top of ~12 cm of new snow. Slope angle was roughly 23 degrees and each pit was 75 cm deep.

We were looking for this season's problematic and persistent weak layers in the snowpack and found them quickly. Our first pit produced an ECTP10 and pulled out all the way to the ground (the entire 75 cm slab propagated on top of a sugary layer of snow at the ground-bed surface). We decided to dig a second pit on the same slope to test again and got different but still unstable results. Our second pit produced an ECTP14 on a layer of sugary snow 30-40 cm deep, and then ECTN on the remaining column of snow (potentially due to a varying ground-bed layer of snow between the two pits – most of the snow beneath the fracture in the second pit was just sugar).

We chose to ski the ridge back to the Mount Ellis parking lot for lower-angle turns (which was our plan before digging the pit, but reinforced by our results).

Northern Gallatin
Location (from list)
Mt Ellis

Non-reactive on Flanders


Went up to Flanders today, dug a pit at approximately 9800ft on an east aspect. Snow depth was 154cm, with about 20cm of weak snow at the ground. We also found a weak layer at 112cm, which had a planar fracture during our shovel shear. Had an ECTx result, and when prying the column it pulled out as a cohesive block all the way to the ground. There was also quite a bit of surface hoar growth from about 7200ft to just below the summit.

Northern Gallatin
Location (from list)
Flanders Creek
Observer Name
Brian Richards

Stable test results - Hyalite - East Fork Divide


We skied multile aspects off of the East Fork Divide. Peformed an ECT at 9,000' on a N facing slope with no results. Snowpack was 120cm. We didn't see any natural slides either. 

Northern Gallatin
Location (from list)
Hyalite - East Fork
Observer Name
Zach Tondre