Northern Gallatin

Goose Creek Drainage


Did a full profile while out in Goose Creek today. Results indicated poor stability on a NE aspect about 7200 ft. The primary layer of concern was the buried surface hoar layer roughly 30 cm down in this location, took moderate strength (ECTP18) to get full propagation. Skiing conditions were good in the new snow from this weekend, you could subtly feel the MF crust from the time before the recent storm. We observed a small layer of surface hoar this morning, that will most likely be destroyed today from the intense sun on solar aspects. 

Northern Gallatin
Location (from list)
Goose Creek
Observer Name
Dominic Conigliaro

Watch out for the Wind Drift


There was 9” of new snow at higher elevations compared to 4” at the parking lot, and what was accurately reported at Shower Falls SNOTEL. We saw strong winds blowing huge plumes of snow off Maid of the Mist proper. Spindrift and wind-loading into gullies, near ridgelines and other slopes exposed to the wind was our primary concern. We dug two snowpits, one in the Basin low on a north facing slope and another on the south-facing shoulder. We got ECTNs in both. We found the 2-3" thick layer of facets and surface hoar on the south-facing pit buried 3' deep. They propagated failure with a few extra hits in our ECT. They weren't sensitive where we dug today, but I would not forget about them. 

We avoided wind-loaded slopes entirely and would recommend digging down three to four feet to test the upper level of the snowpack before considering any steep slopes. 

Northern Gallatin
Location (from list)
Maid of the Mist
Observer Name
Dave Zinn

Avalanche on Hyalite Peak

Hyalite Peak
Northern Gallatin

Me and a buddy were out skiing/camping in the Hyalite Lake area. Late Saturday afternoon we started skinning up towards Hyalite Peak. The path up to the ridge was super hardpacked and windswept. We got up and there was quite a bit of snow loaded above the north slope. I dropped over the side and took about two turns before the entire face above me released from the very top and traveled down the entire north side down to the bowl below. I was able to get to the rocks on the side and my partner was able to pick his way down. The crown looked a few feet deep from what I could see and stretched across the entire top of the line.

Number of slides
Number caught
Number buried
Avalanche Type
Hard slab avalanche
Trigger Modifier
u-An unintentional release
R size
D size
Bed Surface
O - Old snow
Slab Thickness
24.0 inches
Vertical Fall
Slab Width
Snow Observation Source
Slab Thickness units
Single / Multiple / Red Flag
Single Avalanche
Advisory Year

Me and a buddy were out skiing/camping in the Hyalite Lake area. Late Saturday afternoon we started skinning up towards Hyalite Peak. The path up to the ridge was super hardpacked and windswept. We got up and there was quite a bit of snow loaded above the north slope. I dropped over the side and took about two turns before the entire face above me released from the very top and traveled down the entire north side down to the bowl below. I was able to get to the rocks on the side and my partner was able to pick his way down.

Avalanche Details: Avalanche on Hyalite Peak
Northern Gallatin, 2023-02-07

Me and a buddy were out skiing/camping in the Hyalite Lake area. Late Saturday afternoon we started skinning up towards Hyalite Peak. The path up to the ridge was super hardpacked and windswept. We got up and there was quite a bit of snow loaded above the north slope. I dropped over the side and took about two turns before the entire face above me released from the very top and traveled down the entire north side down to the bowl below. I was able to get to the rocks on the side and my partner was able to pick his way down.

Avalanche Details: Avalanche on Hyalite Peak
Northern Gallatin, 2023-02-07