Northern Gallatin

There was 6' of snow off the ridge in the Bridger Range on an east facing slope. The top 2 feet were recent wind drifting that broke clean in our stability test which indicated unstable conditions (ECTP18). We expect similar conditions and instability with wind-loaded slops throughout our forecast area. Photo: GNFAC

Bridger Range, 2021-02-28

NE aspect of the E facing bowl off Elephant - northern Gallatin

Ice Climbing

Saw this crown the morning of 2/28 from G1 while climbing. Looks like it broke naturally within the past day or two

Northern Gallatin
Location (from list)
Elephant Mountain
Observer Name
Virginia Beineke

On Mt Ellis (2/27/21) the snowpack has 20-40cm of depth hoar and facets at the bottom. Stability tests took a lot of force to collapse this layer, but it propagated (broke across the whole column) every time once initiated. This is a poor snowpack structure that makes large avalanche possible to trigger if you hit the wrong spot on a slope. Photo: GNFAC

Northern Gallatin, 2021-02-28



135-145 cm HS and very supportable in the upper meadows. Thinner and less supportable at lower elevations and on approach. Dug a quick pit and did 2 ECTs in the east-facing low-gnar zone. ECTN teens in the layers of recent snow. ECTN upper 20s on the F+/ 4F- DH at the base of the snowpack. There is a 1m slab of (F-->1F) sitting on top of the facets. 

Skied 30 degrees and under. Seemed like you would most likely get away with skiing steeper, but I wouldn't want to be the guy to test that theory based on structure. The weak layer is still accessible for a skier or rider. 

Top-notch powder skiing today. 


Northern Gallatin
Location (from list)
Wheeler Mountain
Observer Name
Dave Zinn

From skier obs 2/27/21: "~6-8" of fresh snow. No wind loading or significant signs of instability. Calm winds with scattered clouds and occasional very light snow. Dug a pit at the summit. ... I found plenty depth hoar at the bottom of the snowpack. It was not as weak as what I've seen earlier this season (4F), but we're still talking 4+ mm grains with well formed cups. ECTX and PST 60/120 to end on the depth hoar layer. Pit profile attached."

Northern Gallatin, 2021-02-27

History Rock


~6-8" of fresh snow. No wind loading or significant signs of instability. Calm winds with scattered clouds and occasional very light snow.

Dug a pit at the summit. Appeared the recent warm spell added a bit of strength to much of the snowpack - it was more cohesive and generally stronger than I've seen this season. Still, I found plenty depth hoar at the bottom of the snowpack. It was not as weak as what I've seen earlier this season (4F), but we're still talking 4+ mm grains with well formed cups. ECTX and PST 60/120 to end on the depth hoar layer.

Pit profile attached.

Northern Gallatin
Location (from list)
History Rock
Observer Name
Chris Pierce

Mt Blackmore


Toured up Blackmore this morning. 6-8” of new snow above 9000’ with significantly more in the low angle meadows below the east ridge. Light snowfall, mainly after 11. Winds were calm throughout the am. Sky was mostly overcast but the sun came out a few times. I saw several small point release avalanches on the east face. Low angle skiing is really good up there right now! Thanks for all that you guys do.

Northern Gallatin
Location (from list)
Mt Blackmore
Observer Name
Nicholas Salsburg