Pit Tests at Bacon rind
On the ascent, particularly above 8000 ft using quick pole insertion tests, my group noticed a first crust at about 12-15 cm, a middle soft weak layer, and then about 45-50 cm down a second crust, then weak soft snow to the ground.
On a SE slope at 8750 ft elevation, my group performed an ECT and PST test. The snow temp was -15 C and the air temp was -14 C.
Snow height was 115 CM.
Test results:
PST 55 cm/100 on the weak layer of depth hoar from 25 cm to ground.
The first 8 cm was fresh snow--dendrite or decomposing precipitation particles (F hardness). The next four layers from 107-67 cm were various layers, including a dust layer, mostly rounds, minimal faceting, 4F hardness. From 67 CM and lower, there was an increase in faceted snow, and of course, depth hoar for the last 25 cm.
Overall, a great day of low-angle tree skiing.