Several natural avalanches in the Crazies

Several natural avalanches in the Crazies


Not sure if this will be useful information, but it was interesting to me. Yesterday (1/30) in the illumination of the low-angle evening sun, I could see at least 4 crowns in the Crazies with a pair of binoculars from downtown Livingston. Mostly W-SW facing slopes above treeline on the group of peaks surrounding and including Iddings Peak. I am used to seeing windscoured W aspects, and had never noticed such conspicuous slides from town. Crowns estimated 2-3 feet deep, and most slides looked to be a couple hundred feet wide beat I could tell. I’m sure todays wind will remodel and transport all remaining evidence to the E side of the range. 

Out of Advisory Area
Location (from list)
Crazy Peak
Observer Name
Tim Benson